Membership Privileges

Membership at the Hillside includes the use of the pool and bar and dining facilities. In addition, playing members have the use of the six tennis courts. Only registered playing members of the Hillside or those signed in as their guest may use the tennis courts. Only a member may sign in and entertain guests at the Club.

A Club member is defined as any person who has his or her own membership number. Only Club members may invite guests.

Children (of members), who do not have their own membership number, are not considered members and thus are guests with regards to all Club and signing privileges. They are therefore limited to using the Club pool, tennis courts or dining facilities for a total of three (3) times per season as a guest. and must be signed in as guests at all times. The applicable guest fee will be charged.

At the age of five, all children become members through a family membership in order to take advantage of membership privileges.

Playing members and their family members who are all registered as Club members have full use of the dining facilities and pool. However, certain restrictions will apply to the use of the tennis courts for children and juniors.

Social members have full use of the dining facilities and pool; they may also play tennis with a playing member or take lessons for a total of three (3) times in any one season and will be charged the current tennis guest fee.

Children of Social single or couple members, are not considered members and are therefore subject to guest restrictions as noted in the rules; namely they may only use the pool, tennis courts or dining facilities a total of three (3) times per season and must be signed in as guests at all times. The applicable guest fee will be charged.

Children of Social family members, who have their own membership number, may use the pool and dining facilities on an unlimited basis but are subject to guest restrictions for tennis as noted in the rules above.